At the CTP we are upgrading everything. We are working on putting together this website, applying for grants, and busy working on several publications we expect to bring out in the next twelve months.
These have been, for us, as well as for everyone else, trying times. We have lost the opportunity to meet in person, we have been isolated, and we are dealing with the pandemic and its related issues in the best way we can.
But for us, the isolation has also been an opportunity to redistribute our time to write articles, concentrate on our editorial work, and working on this website.
The website is something I have had pending for a long time.
I designed our old site in 2005 (and was very proud of it), but sometime after the Project's move from the University of Birmingham to the University of Saskatchewan, we stopped updating it.
The old site is being replaced with this new one, and we are currently working on rebuilding a list of resources about the CTP. For now, you can search for some of our articles (including drafts and pre-prints) at the Canterbury Tales Project Zenodo repository where we will be depositing both old and new materials.